21 September 2011

Just breathe! Whatever it is that you are dealing with and struggling to get
the results you desire - just breathe into the situation! Relax and breathe
and allow your mind to give you the inspirations to bring forth the
solutions to bring about the results
How are you unearthing the 'acres of diamonds' in yourself today? Many of us
go outside of ourselves to find answers and solutions to what we want to be
and have. That also includes seeking approval to be. This was one of my own
downfalls in the past where I looked to others for approval. Looking within
is where the answer is. What are you looking outside of yourself for, that
you probably already have within you?

20 September 2011

Read my latest blog on Food and Self Harm Behaviour
Check out the correlation between FOOD and SELF HARM here
I've got 91% new visits to my website www.stepup-international.co.uk
yippee! Something must be working!
Listening to Mozart at the moment
This time next week I will be preparing for my next Easy Tiger Parents
Programme in Birmingham

19 September 2011

Enjoyed my 06.00am walk this morning!
Interviewing a university graduate today for marketing
My next Easy Tiger Parents Programme starts next week - confirming numbers
end of this week
I'm currently reading 'Being in Balance' by Dr Wayne Dyer. Easy read and
helps you to realign your thoughts with your reality

16 September 2011

Hungry but don't know what to eat right about now! Doing my best to stay
well away from WHEAT!
Had a great acquacise session last night! Really good - but the session
always goes much too fast!
"It's fine to celebrate success, but it's more important to heed the lessons
of failure." Bill Gates

15 September 2011

I would love to assist in liberating you! Join me on The Psychology of Self
Harm & Behaviour Course, 25 November 2011 here:
http://ping.fm/dCuaI - giving you self harm
help and self harm awareness
Giving to charities: when you give to charities, do you know if the charity
is assisting the recipients to be: responsible, accountable, preserve their
dignity and become productive? Or does the charity assist in derode these
qualities in their recipients thus making them even more dependent? Does the
charities focus on educating its recipients? (Dr Demartini)
We get what we think about whether we want it or not; whether we like it or
not! Why not choose to think about what we really really want?

14 September 2011

Your magnificent self is waiting for you to take action to nurture, support
and accelerate it. What actions will you take today?
Had another fantastic day yesterday: 3 new delegates for Psychology of Self
Harm & Behaviour Course 25 November 2011

http://ping.fm/bF1ur - student support
staff; teachers; deputy head teachers - all requiring self harm help
Good morning. How are you nurturing and supporting your magnificence today?

12 September 2011

Now that's what I am talking about! A very decisive manager made the
decision, no faffing around, to have Step Up! International in to do some
self harm training and consultancy work on self harming pupils or pupils
self harming as they needed self harm help for teachers and support staff.
Love, peace, inspirational blessings and inner healing for anyone personally
affected by 9/11.
Are you one of those people that are likely to die with your song still left
in you? Still untapped? If yes, what are you going to do about it? When
would today be the right time to start to do something about it and make
that thing happen!?
Good morning world!

10 September 2011

What are you waiting for when you have a dream to create? A plan to make? A
goal to achieve? A ball to have? Success to Claim? Jennifer McLeod
UK ministers DOUBLE STANDARDS reign again and again. The UK has an arms fair
at Excel Centre London next week. Defence & Security Equipment International
(DSEi) is one of the world's largest arms fairs and has been held every two
years in the Excel centre in east London's Docklands since 1999. the
government has NOT disclosed the full list of countries (dictators) that it
has invited to this arms fair
. The UK government then has a go at dictators that use
these arms against their own people. Arms that they have bought from the UK
government! Read more on this press release www.ekklesia.co.uk

9 September 2011

For more of my inspirational Quotes, google 'Jennifer McLeod Quotes'
"Step Up! to the song inside of you. Following through with that thing that
makes your heart sing is likely to help you find your life purpose. Then you
will really have something to sing about!" Jennifer McLeod
"Embrace life as if you really meant it. Treat it like a long-lost very
close friend or family member. Now that you have found it, you will want to
do everything possible to hold onto it, cherish it; do more for it; love it
and make it better." Jennifer McLeod
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something
else is the greatest accomplishment!" Ralph Waldo Emerson
Just finished talking to a hot prospect regarding Self Harm training
consultancy for support staff.

8 September 2011

Are You living your ultimate life vision today? If no, do you need some
inspiration to get you started? If yes, grab a discounted copy of my book
here: http://tinyurl.com/kojutv 'Born To Win! Live Your Ultimate Life
Vision Today direct from my publishers. 'Liberating People' - Liberating
Just had another booking for The Psychology of Self Harm & Behaviour Course
25 November 2011. To book your place or forward this info to others, find
more details here:
Looking forward to another new Easy Tiger Parents Programme commencing end
of September 2011. Do you know of anyone who would benefit from our Easy
Tiger Parents Programme - in groups or one-to-one? Let us know
I love what I do and I do what I love! I love liberating parents and giving
children back their parents! It's a great feeling to see the difference and
transformation in parents after completing one of my Easy Tiger Parents
Programmes. They have been transformed holistically and their children gain
the benefits straight away. Brilliant!