25 June 2008

Young Lone Fathers - TV documentary

I have had a request from Lucy below, regarding a proposed TV documentary. Whilst I work with teenage parents as part of my Easy Tiger Parent System™, I haven't worked with young lone fathers yet.

Do you know any young lone fathers? If you are able to help in any way, please contact Lucy directly on the details below.

"I am interested in speaking to someone about the parent coaching sessions you hold for teenagers with regard to a project I am working on for the BBC.My name is Lucy Hinson and I am a researcher for Love Productions - a highly respected documentary production company whose credits include Young Mums’ Mansion and Filthy Rich and Homeless.

We are currently working on a new documentary programme following young single dads and their experiences of bringing up a child. Young single dads are often overlooked by the media and society at large and we want to find out what life is really like for lone fathers bringing up a child on their own and how this may compare or contrast with the experiences of young single mothers.We are particularly interested in speaking to young dads, between 15 and 18 years old, who are the main or sole carer of their children, whether as a result of relationship breakup, illness, custody decisions, bereavement etc.

I’m hoping to speak to as many individuals, professionals and support groups as possible who may have experience in this field. If you or someone you know can help, it would be greatly appreciated. At this stage I am conducting background research into the subject so even if the idea of taking part in a TV programme doesn’t appeal, I would still like to hear from you.

All information will of course be in strictest confidence.I can be contacted on 0207 067 4838 or by email lucy.hinson@loveproductions.co.uk."

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With Inspirational Blessings
Jennifer McLeod

Born To Win! book series

Born To Win! Live Your Ultimate Life Vision Today. NEW RELEASE!!! Get your copy here: http://tinyurl.com/6lf3gj

Creator of Easy Tiger Parents System(tm)
Creator of Born To Win! Programme for Young People(tm)
+44 (0) 121 551 1668

1 June 2008

Andrew Johnston beat the bullies!

Andrew Johnston beat the bullies!
By Jennifer McLeod, June 2008

I applaud Andrew Johnston, 13 year old contestant on ‘Britain’s Got Talent 2008 Show’, for having the courage to admit to 12 million people across the nation that he was being bullied because of the love of his passion……..singing opera.

I want to let Andrew Johnston know that it is absolutely ok for him to cry when he didn’t win the coveted prize of appearing on the Royal Variety Show, BUT he won the nation’s heart!
  • He is a winner because of his courage!
  • He is a winner because he stood up to the bullies!
  • He is a winner because he has the most superb natural voice for his age! (and as singing was my childhood ambition I would have loved to have had his voice when I was his age).
  • He is a winner because he showed not only the judges, but especially the bullies, what he is really made of!
  • He is a winner because he gained great confidence and height in just a matter of weeks
  • He is a winner because HE CAN!!

    All respect to Andrew’s mum who stood by him and continued to support and nurture him throughout a time in their lives which must of been particularly difficult when he was being bullied for his passion.

    “When you follow your heart’s desires and do that one thing that’s been niggling away inside you, it’s likely to be that one thing that will make your heart sing.”
    Jennifer McLeod © 2006

    Young people are bullied for all kinds of reasons, which includes being different. I was privileged to be crewing with Tony Robbins in October 2006 when a 14 year old teenager, Laura, shared with an audience of 13,000 that she had attempted suicide 5 times because she was excluded from all groups at school for being different……… …why?…she liked rock music!! Tony Robbins had Laura rocking on stage to her favourite rock music and she had 13 thousand adults applauding and rocking with her. She truly rocked! And was a changed young lady by the time she left that seminar. Laura was able to appreciate that it was truly ok to be different and that it was people who are different that are shaping the world, movers and shakers and having an impact on other people’s lives. You only need to think about people like Nelson Mandela, Hitler, Mother Teresa and the Tallest Man in the World

    Another group of young people and teenagers being bullied at school are very bright, intelligent boys who then pretend that they don’t have that brilliance just to fit in with their peers. Let’s teach the other young people to look at and accept their own brilliance with the strong message that there is no need to be frightened of their brilliance!

    “When you go for what you really want in life, you are helping people more than you realise.”
    Jennifer McLeod © 2006

    Bullying is one of the topics that I cover with young people as a part of my Born To Win! Programme for Young People. The Programme helps young people and teenagers to discuss the negative messages that they are getting from society at large and from their own home or school environments, and how they can replace the negative messages with more empowering beliefs for themselves, to create the life they want as apposed to the life that they fall into.

    “I didn't belong as a kid, and that always bothered me. If only I'd known that one day my differentness would be an asset, then my early life would have been much easier”
    Bette Midler

    What can we do as adults and parents to help young people and teenagers be more accepting of others? This for me, starts with adults and parents! How much are we accepting of others including young people and teenagers and how much do we accept ourselves? We only need to look at newspaper articles or listen to the news to see how much adults do not like people who are different and how we can make people’s lives hell because of their differences!

    The Independent reports that more and more adults in the UK are afraid of young people and teenagers, however, labelling teenagers as ‘yobs’ or ‘tyrants’ does nothing to alleviate this. It’s only a minority of teenagers that are violent or hurt other people.

    “Children always know more than they can put into words: that distinguishes them from us adults, who usually put into words so much than we know.”

    Young people and teenagers are given so much stick in today’s society that it’s any wonder that any of them survive the stereotypes and assumptions as a generation with healthy mindsets. With so much negative press aimed at young people, it can be difficult to encourage young people to be confident in themselves.

    The judges on ‘Britain’s Got Talent Show’, Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden?, Piers Morgan, did a great job (in the main), of boosting young people and teenagers courage, confidence, and self esteem with their constructive comments (in the main). Kate from Kate and Gin Act leaves the Show a changed person from the very shy nervous person to being able to step outside of her comfort zone and step up to the challenge of being on stage in front of thousands of people.

    Numerous young people from 8 years old upwards entered the Finals, showing adults what they really can do, working and fighting hard to get that coveted prize and place in the Royal Variety Show. From their absolutely brilliant performances, it was inevitable that at least one young person would be in the top 3 and were favourites to win, and sure enough, two of them were: George Sampson (the winner), Andrew Johnston (third place and a winner in his own right) and Signature (adults – runner up).

    The semi-finals of ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ was dominated by young people and teenagers, including:
  • The Cheeky Monkeys – aged 8 & 9
  • Andrew Johnston - Opera
  • Nemesis – Street Dance Group who trained and practiced at any available opportunity after work and any available space they could call their own, even if it meant practicing at a bus stop/shelter instead of dance studio with mirrors. Sheer will power and determination, and that’s what I really like about this group, apart from the fact that they are great dancers.
  • George Sampson – singing in the rain ‘Mr Determination’
  • Faryl Smith – where did she get that voice? A very ‘mature’ 12 year old and indeed very special
  • Escala – fantastic talent and entertaining, string quartet
  • Kate and Gin – very unique Act and Kate’s ability to communicate with Gin, the dog, is out of this world!
  • Andrew Muir – plumber from Scotland and lot more besides!

    George Sampson won because of his sheer fighting spirit and determination to win and continue in his self belief to prove to the judges that they were wrong about him last year. That said, he is also a very talented teenager who was busking on streets in UK, before he auditioned for the ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ Show

    This is the first time for years that I have watched so much television, but it was worth it, watching children, young people and teenagers excel in the way that they did.

    I do not normally watch the Royal Variety Show, but this year I will make an exception and it will be one not to be missed!

    These young people and teenagers were all winners and clearly Born To Win!

    If you need any clarification or support on any of the serious matters of bullying or supporting teenagers and young people, contact me, Jennifer McLeod on youngpeople@jennifermcleod.co.uk

    © Jennifer McLeod 2008

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With Inspirational Blessings
Jennifer McLeod
Born To Win! book series
Creator of Easy Tiger Parents System(tm)
Creator of Born To Win! Programme for Young People(tm)

+44 (0) 121 551 1668

Parents of yobs face court threat

Parents of yobs face court threat

pa.press.net - 01.06.2008 06:15 FROM MSN NEWS

Here's an article that I got from MSN News today, hot off the press.

See what you think.

Parents who fail to stop their children drinking in public face court action in a new drive by ministers to get a grip on drunken youths marauding the streets.The move will be unveiled as part of a raft of measures designed to curb binge-drinking among teenagers and children as young as 10.

Youths who regularly drink alcohol in public will be committing an offence under new legislation.Police will also be handed tougher powers to disperse gangs of youngsters congregating in the street and other popular hangouts like parks and bus shelters.

The cross-Whitehall drive comes amid heightened concern among voters about anti-social behaviour and alcohol abuse among younger people.It will see teenagers persistently possessing alcohol in public subjected to anti-social behaviour orders (Asbos) and acceptable behaviour contracts.

Their parents will be hit by similar orders and contracts - including the requirement to attend parenting courses - if they fail to get their children to "change their ways". Ultimately, they could be prosecuted.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said professionals would be called in where parents were unable to handle their offspring."Groups of under-18s drinking in public are an all too familiar sight," she said."This type of drinking increases youth anti-social behaviour and crime, puts young people in vulnerable situations and I want to put a stop to it."

What do I think?

Me, I think this is just another way of the government driving another wedge between parents and young people, teenagers and applying even more pressure to parents and their teens than perhaps already exists, because the government fails to prevent shopkeepers from selling alcohol to young people. The question to ask, is how did the teenagers get the drink in the first place?

Worst still, the police will be given even more powers to DISPERSE young people on if they congregate in a group in PARKS, STREETS OR BUS SHELTERS!

This for me is just another example of the government and the police heightening the problem and stereotypes about young people. If young people and teenagers can't meet as a normal group in the PARK, where else can they meet!!????

The young people are referred to in the article above as 'yobs' and 'gangs'. Is it any wonder why more and more adults are needlessly fearful of teenagers when we are constantly bombarded with such negative language and images of young people??!!

What do you think? Have you say here

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With Inspirational Blessings
Jennifer McLeod

Born To Win! book series
Creator of Easy Tiger Parents System(tm)
Creator of Born To Win! Programme for Young People(tm)

+44 (0) 121 551 1668