20 March 2008

Young People and ASBO's

An ASBO (Anti Social Behaviour Order) is quite a common, well talked about Order today in the UK associated with young people.

Given the media coverage and society's perception of young people, only a very small percent of young people, around 5%, find themselves in trouble for whatever reason, some of whom end up getting ASBO's. Some wear their ASBO's like a badge of honor, whilst others are not sure what they did to get the ASBO in the first place.

There is a misconception that ASBO's cannot be challenged in court by the young person and that the court and local government will automatically enforce the ASBO. This is not the case. Admittedly, whilst ASBO's can be sanctioned by the court based purely on 'Hearsay', young people do have a right to challenge the ASBO and get legal support to do so and can get the allegation dismissed.

Now I know that there are some young people out there causing havoc and need to be stopped and supported in some way, however, the majority of young people are not.

Many young people need reassurance, guidance, support and love on their journey of experiencing the world, amidst the fear, suspicion, negative projection from some adults.

I did some work recently at a school with 14 year old's as part of our Born To Win! Programme for Young People, enabling them to create the life they want as apposed the life that they fall into. One of the pupils did not want to take part in the exercises because 'I'm never gonna get any where in life anyway', she said. When I asked her who told her that, she said 'everyone.' Then I asked her if she believed that, and sadly her reply was 'yes'.

It is very sad that a 14 year old think that their life is over and that there is not much to hope for. We are all so easily conditioned by society and people around us. Perhaps of a large majority of adults started to project positively onto our young people, maybe we might get a difference in the outcome.

What are your thoughts?

Jennifer McLeod
Step Up! International Ltd

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